“We’ll Go Out On A Limb For You”


How Do You Choose the Best Tree Removal Company?

Professional Wilson County Tree Company
What are some ingredients that make up a good tree removal service?



There are obviously more factors to consider when choosing a tree removal company, whether you are in Wilson or anywhere else in East Carolina. While most people are concerned about price as the only factor, going with an under the table job from an uninsured tree climber can cost you HUGE in the long run. If they damage your property in any way, you likely will have to eat the charge yourself. Also, your insurance may require an actual licensed company to perform the tree removal if you want the cost to actually be covered. It’s simply not worth it.

Our company is fully certified, licensed, and insured to safely complete the tree removal job for you. We are some of the best arborists from Greenville to Rocky Mount to Wilson, and will only remove a tree after making a careful analysis of its condition and presenting you with any advice if necessary.

We do understand that some homeowners might want to whip out their chainsaws and take a shot at cutting down their trees themselves, however, we strongly advise against this – we have seen serious injuries and damages as a result. 

We combine state-of-the-art commercial equipment, cabling & bracing techniques, advanced climbing techniques, manpower, and extensive experience to efficiently and safely cut down and remove your trees. Also, supporting your local tree service company helps guarantee more jobs for the community, and as a result, we are able to make tree removal more affordable.

With quality of work and your safety being our number one priority, our experienced arborists are always ready to address all your concerns before carrying out the task. Give us a call today to get a free complimentary visit to your property.

Emergency Storm Tree Damage on House in Wilson

Over the years, your tree’s actual structural will eventually decline due to natural causes such as disease, decay, pests, or even natural disasters. While most tree removals can wait, there are times where your tree should be removed ASAP due to the safety hazards it potentially poses to people, pets, and property. As one of the reputable and affordable tree removal companies serving Wilson County and nearby regions, we want you to be informed of the various circumstances that could arise, so you will know when emergency tree removal is necessary.

Visibly Damaged Roots – The health of the root system of your tree is absolutely vital to its survival. If you notice roots are significantly damaged, or even decaying, we recommend calling an arborist right away to take a closer look. Roots fuel your tree with nutrients to grow, and also serve as its foundation and structural support. If a trees roots are unstable, your tree has the potential to collapse at anytime, causing damage to the surrounding area.

Tilting One Direction – While some trees have a natural lean, you will be able to tell if something simply just does not look right. If you notice the degree of leaning increasing within a matter of months or less, you should contact a professional tree company to take a second look. 

Hollow Trunk – If the trunk of a tree has become hollow, it is no surprise that the tree has begun to decay or, at the very least, is less structurally stable. While cabling may help provide added support, your tree will likely need removal.

Damaged Trees – A more obvious reason for emergency tree removal is if the tree is already damage significantly. A bad fire or sudden lightning strike could do the trick. While more mildly damaged trees can survive for many years, we still always suggest having a tree care professional give you a second set of eyes to evaluate the risk.

A Natural Disaster –  Natural disasters easily account for the majority of our emergency tree service requests. While severe storms & hurricanes lead the way, our climbers have seen all types of trees and tree branch removal needed both after mother nature hits. Everything from tornadoes, to lightning strikes, to extreme winds and floods all can affect trees. We recommend removing trees or unstable branches prior to a storm to mitigate damage from a storm or hurricane.

Power Line Tree Branch Removal Wilson County

While tree removal overall is a hazardous task, we fortunately have help mitigating these risks thanks to the right equipment, manpower, and training. But even with all the help, equipment, and training in the world available today, there are still certain tree removal jobs that are extra hazardous due to their unique environmental factors. Despite these risks, we still do everything within our power to remove hazardous trees as they can cause damage to property and people. 

Here are a few scenarios:

Fire or Electrical Hazards –  Trees growing near power lines and transformers do not mix. Risk of power outages aside, these situations can easily cause both fires and life-threatening shock hazards to anyone in contact with the tree at ground level. Here is the scary thing: a tree does not even need to be physically touching a live power line to be extremely dangerous. Given the right conditions, electricity can actually arc from the electrical line to the nearby tree branch causing a deadly electrical current.

Public Safety – Trees with branches hovering over roads and sidewalks can be dangerous. Imagine a large tree branch suddenly falling over the highway. It’s an accident waiting to happen with serious consequences. Tree canopies over sidewalks should be inspected regularly as well to ensure that there are no decaying or rotting branches at risk of falling on people below.


Trees with Aggressive Root Systems – Trees with root systems the spider web out wide can sometimes cause major issues to sidewalks, foundations, structures, and underground water lines. Weeping Willows, Cottonwoods, a variety of Maples, Black Locusts, Elms, and white pines are a few examples. To be on the safe side, you want to either build 50-150 feet away from them or have these trees completely removed and their stumps grinded down.

If you have a tree causing hazards, give yourself the peace of mind knowing that things have been safely taken care of. Contact us today to take a look to make sure your property is safe again of any tree hazards.


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If you suspect your tree is diseased or infested with pests, contact a local arborist to perform a tree care assessment right away. They will either try to save your tree or advise you to consider removing your diseased or infested tree. 

Here are a few scenarios to consider:

Infestation Means More Pests – If your tree is already dead, it is hazardous and at risk of falling. But another reason you want to remove a dead tree is because it attracts a variety of pests. Insects ranging from centipedes to carpenter ants to termites all find a rotting & decaying tree to be the perfect home. 

Disease Can Spread to Other Trees – Depending on the disease, they can potentially affect other trees nearby. If you have a tree with cankers, apple scab, dutch elm disease, or even oak wilts, you should consider removing the tree to prevent further spread. 

Property Value & Curb Appeal – With the proper tree trimming and tree care, beautiful trees can actually raise the market value of your property. This is most especially good to hear if you are planning on selling your property. Diseased & infested trees, however, do the exact opposite and can negatively affect the market value of your property. Property value aside, why would you not want your home and yard to look good? Give us a call to get things taken care of for you.

Damage Liability – Should the unfortunate happen and branches from a decaying tree end up falling onto your neighbor’s home or property, you will be held liable for any damages that it may cause. Unhealthy tree branches due to disease and infestation drastically raise this risk.


Don’t let a diseased or dying tree linger on your property. Give us a call today to take care of things for good.

Fallen Tree East Carolina

If you notice your tree is already dead, you may think it’s not important to get it removed. Perhaps you are even one of the few people who do not actually mind the look of a decaying tree smacked right in the middle of their yard. The reality is, however, that the tree will eventually decay to the point that it will fall, causing it to be a ticking time bomb that you hope you, your children, pets, or any property is not around for it to fall on. 

Let’s just say you got lucky and your decaying tree fell but did not cause damage – you still will be left with a big mess on your hands as well as an old stump that needs to be removed. This is why we suggest simply getting dead trees removed soon rather than later. 

There may be times where your tree is decaying without you even realizing it. 

Here are a few hints:

  • Cracks or splits in the trunk
  • Bark is beginning to fall off
  • Tree is suddenly leaning
  • Root sprouts (epicormic shoots)
  • Hollow Trunks & Decaying Branches
  • Appearance of fungi or mushrooms
  • Infestation of pests & woodpeckers

In short, CUT DOWN YOUR DEAD TREES. A simple oak tree can easily weigh 5,000 pounds. Imagine the damage it could do if it were to fall. You’ll be kicking yourself in the butt for putting it off. Take care of it today. Give us a call to safely remove your dead tree, grind its stump and haul it all off your property for good.

Tree Branch in Wood Chipper Elm City

Why should you hire a professional Company for tree removal?

Tree removal is a more technical and hazardous job than most people realize. It requires attention to detail, no cut corners, and an extensive amount of manpower, proper equipment, and training. All of these are serious factors that are often overlooked when homeowners are wondering how much does tree removal cost. A simple misjudgment can lead to serious damage to your property and its surrounding landscape.

Attempting to DIY tree removal is asking for trouble. Imagine this… you pick up a chainsaw, start cutting a wedge that you saw on YouTube, and start grinding away at the trunk… then a decaying branch falls and damages your roof, or maybe your vehicle, or worse…maybe on YOU. Depending on your tree’s specific circumstance (i.e. on a slope, near a power line, in a tight space), it will likely require more heavy lifting. Things like bucket trucks, wood chippers, cabling, and even cranes may be needed to effectively get the job done. Save yourself the risk and the headache, give us a call today for a free estimate.



Wilson, Elm City, Rocky Mount, Sharpsburg, Sims, Lucama, Black Creek, Drivers Store, Saratoga, Stantonsburg, Macclesfield, Pinetops, Farmville, Walstonburg, Wilbanks, Bailey, Middlesex, Woodcrest Park, Tarboro, Fountain, Bellarthur, Falkland


27873 | 27813 | 27880 | 27888 | 27893 | 27895 | 27894 | 27851 | 27801 | 27802 | 27809 | 27815 | 27819 | 27852 | 27864 | 27881 | 27886

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Want a free onsite estimate? Give us a call today! We have your Wilson County tree removal, trimming, stump grinding, and land clearing needs covered. We offer no-obligation, hassle-free estimates. Click below to speak with us directly!

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For years, we have been providing professional tree trimming & tree removal services to Wilson County, from Elm City to Farmington Heights to Black Creek and Pinetops. With humble beginnings doing tree work for friends & family in Greenville, our passion now allowed us to branch off and expand our services to all of Wilson County. We look forward to the privilege of taking care of all of your tree service related needs!

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We are a third party referral company that refers all of our business to a licensed contractor in the state of North Carolina. All business from this website is referred to Cherry’s Tree Service

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